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Fecha 03.06.2011

Autor laura blandon y johan hernandez

Asunto arte paisa

Litter. 1955.
Litter was born in Macondo, that poblachón near the Colombian Atlantic coast and has become one of the great myths of world literature. It takes the story of a burial impossible. He died a strange character, a former doctor hated by the people, and an old retired colonel, to fulfill a promise, is determined to bury the face of opposition from all over the town and its authorities. As in a Greek tragedy, the book takes as its motto a quote from Antigone, which refers to the prohibition of burying the body of Polynices, the old colonel, his daughter and grandson will meet the ominous task. The action, which comprises the description of the preparations for the burial-half hour, and the memories of a quarter century in the history of Macondo, from 1905 to 1928, told through the thoughts of these three characters.
