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Fecha 24.05.2011

Autor yileni gomez cano y ligi lopez lopez

Asunto afrocolombianos

Afro-Colombian culture
The black population of Colombia, also known as Afro, is made up of descendants of enslaved Africans brought to America from the time of the conquest in the sixteenth century. His arrival occurs in the context of global capitalist development, when the European colonization wave introduced slave labor in the Americas for the development of productive activities linked to the exploitation of raw materials like cotton, rice, sugar, snuff, and others. They entered our country as part of the slave for Cartagena de Indias, as contraband came from the Pacific coast of Buenaventura, Charambirá and Gorgon, or the Atlantic coast of Riohacha, Santa Marta, Tolu and Darien.
Geographic Location
