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Fecha 03.05.2011

Autor Eliana Giraldo Suarez 9-D

Asunto Trabajo Colaborativo Cultura Afro y Cultura Paisa

Customs Paisas

Work in every thing , smoke tabuco, or pielroja, drink whisky, mount in mule play dice, make busines, create.Enterprise admire womens, laugh with out worry,eat beens with cake and aguapanela be walker, festive frienelly and "bacan" this are some of the paisas habits more of the history and of his nacional fame and out of the frontier.

Customs Afrocolombianas

The socia identificacion and cultural in the people and groups of afrocolombianos we find it associate to the comuniti of origen ,the family and traditional and exprecions cultures propers of every region (nutrition,music,dances).The identificacion is the strengt in the life of the colonies of coterranees in the urban precinct,in the seasons of visits in the rural medium , in partys and funeral rites .The afrodescendientes to identifi for they dances,songs and for they rich oral tradition.
